Business Memberships
Unlock exclusive perks and promotional opportunities through a business membership to The 1870 Society.
Scarlet (Business)
→ Access to exclusive member content, including the Ryan Day Podcast
→ Brand recognition on The 1870 Society website and social media channels
→ Social media endorsement from a prominent athlete
Gray (Business)
→ Everything in Scarlet +
→ Football autographed by the freshman class
→ Digital assets for business promotion featuring a prominent athlete
Brutus (Business)
→ Everything in Gray +
→ Logo placement at The 1870 Society Team events
→ Two (2) billboard advertisements on the front page of Eleven Warriors
Varsity O (Business)
→ Everything in Brutus +
→ Access for two (2) to a football spring practice
→ Two (2) native editorial advertisements on Eleven Warriors
→ Professionally produced radio/podcast spot featuring prominent athlete
Victory Bell (Business)
→ Everything in Varsity O +
→ Pre-game field access for two (2) to one (1) Ohio State football game
→ Prominent athlete on-site to your business for one (1) promotional or employee event
Senior Tackle (Business)
→ Everything in Victory Bell +
→ Tickets for four (4) to an 1870 Society postseason event
→ Guided tour of the WHAC, featuring lunch, for up to four (4)
→ Professionally produced TV spot featuring prominent athlete
Gold Pants (Business)
→ Everything in Senior Tackle +
→ Access for two (2) to participate in the pre-game team walk to the stadium
→ Two (2) professionally produced TV spots featuring prominent athlete(s)
Buckeye Grove (Business)
→ Everything in Gold Pants +
→ Access two (2) to attend a "Heisman Lunch" featuring Ohio State Heisman Trophy winners
→ Access for two (2) to attend a Friday night team meal at the OSU Golf Course
8 results